2 Guns tells a story about a DEA agent and an undercover Naval Intelligence officer who have been tasked with investigating one another find they have been set up by the mob — the very organization the two men believe they have been stealing money from.
Robert Trench, an undercover DEA agent, takes advantage of gunman Michael Stigman‘s idea to rob a bank to bust him and a mob boss.
However, it proves too successful with much more money seized than anticipated with Trench’s forces not stopping the getaway. Complicating things still more, Stigman turns out to be a Naval Intelligence agent who shoots Trench and takes the money.
The interservice debacle suddenly finds Trench and Stigman in a bloody web of corrupt clandestine rivalries as they are hunted, blackmailed and isolated for the money on both sides of the law.
Now, the fugitives must work together to find a way out of this situation with no one to turn to but themselves.
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