Women enter and exit a science fiction author’s life over the course of a few years after the author loses the woman he considers his one true love.
In the aftermath of In the Mood for Love (2000), after losing Su Li-zhen, the love of his life, the journalist and author, Chow Mo-wan, returns to Hong Kong to write a book.
Obsessed with finishing his new science fiction novel, Chow begins a series of romantic relationships with four different women; however, the more he tries to understand and forget, the more he finds himself haunted by his past.
In his novel, a train sets off for a remote, mysterious destination in 2046, where passengers hope to reclaim their lost memories. Now, a maelstrom of beautiful and sad feelings, secret longings, and wild passions govern Chow’s life, who’s been trying to relive a life-altering experience ever since his doomed affair with Su: an emotionally intense relationship that has defined Chow’s life and condemned his future romances. Has time stopped in Room 2046?
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