A Real Young Girl tells a story about Alice a bored and restless. She spends much of her time lusting after Jim, a local sawmill worker.
When not lusting after him, Alice fills the hours with such pursuits as writing her name on a mirror with vaginal secretions and wandering the fields with her underwear around her ankles. And, in true teenaged tradition, she spends a lot of time writing in her diary.
Reluctantly, only child Alice Bonnard, a sulky and curious adolescent, returns to her parents’ provincial farm house for yet another boring and endless end-of term vacation from boarding school, in the summer of 1963.
Sadly, what awaits her there is a farce of a happy family, a strenuous generation gap, lonely outings with her bicycle and an awkward and clumsy transcendental stage between a girl’s puberty and a young woman’s adolescence.
Nevertheless, as if by instinct, Alice the unripe explorer of her budding sexuality, she will find herself infatuated with Jim, a masculine pouting workman in her father’s saw mill, dabbling in desire and the art of desirability, self-exploration and autoeroticism as an antidote to boredom.
Eventually, young Alice mixing reality with vision, sexual fantasies and the fierce caged female sexuality with every visceral fluid possible, the undefined boundaries of the unfathomable realm of sex become ever so slightly clear, under an immature life’s bubbly French Pop soundtrack.
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