Alexander the Last represents perhaps his best work. An ensemble drama about a married actress, her sister and their myriad sexual and creative temptations. A subtle, honest, and expertly scripted little gem, the film centers around Alex, a theatre actress, and her relationship with both her husband Elliot, and her feelings for her on stage lover Jamie.
who himself begins a sex-based relationship with Alex’s cheating sister Hellen. Such a melee of relationships could prove awkward in some hands, but Swanberg has a real knack for creating sensitive, yet not overly sentimental portrayals of love and uncertainty.
All of the main cast are exceptional, with the exception of Hellen, though she is let down by a thin characterisation which is thankfully absent from the Swanberg’s script’s portrayal of the other characters.
There’s also an excellent, understated score by Justin Rice and Jo Schornikow much of which is cleverly incorporated into the film’s actual action, with Schornikow starring as Rice’s shy but sweet bandmate.
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