…And Give Us Our Daily Sex 1979 – El periscopio – A pair of sexy bisexual nurses live in an apartment building, one floor up from a middle-aged couple and their son Albert, who is busy putting his new science project—a periscope—to good use by spying on the lingerie-wearing lovelies.
Verónica and her friend are two very sexy bisexual nurses who live upstairs from a rather boring couple and their teenage son. In a science class at school he learns how to build a periscope, and uses it to spy on the nurses sexual antics.
Meanwhile, Albert’s mother is being even naughtier than her precious boy, sneaking off for some extra-marital sex while her hair-obsessed husband is at the salon, having his follicles tended to.
This all gets to be too much for the young lad as he soon starts to suffer from unexplained pains in the groin area. It all comes to a head when the parents of the boy ask the nurses to come and check him out and Laura proceeds to realize what the problem is.
So she promptly wanks the boy off in front of his parents.
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