Nonton August 8 – story of an ordinary young woman. Ksenia‘s life is not too happy. Problem at work, problem in personal life, problem with mother, a baby requiring constant cares…
Ksenia want to spend a few days in Sochi with new boyfriend, and mom sends her son Artem to the boy’s father on Caucasus. But Georgia started war and she must overcome fear, overcome circumstances, she must save her child…
The story is about a young single mother who is compelled to make her way at risk of her life to Tskhinvali, where her son is, whom she had sent there on the eve of the conflict.
The film can be divided into two parts that alternate one with the other: one shows how in the eyes of a young boy the South Ossetian conflict transforms into a fantastic war story with super-robots, and the second shows the reality of the war situation and the journey of the main heroine.
Semoga Film yang sedang anda saksikan ini bisa memuaskan nafsu dan hasrat anda dalam menonton film online. Pastikan anda selalu mengunjungi situs 01Nonton untuk menemukan film terbaru pilihan anda. Untuk mencari kami, cukup anda google dengan mengetik 01Nonton. Untuk mencari judul film dengan menggunakan google, anda bisa memakai format 01Nonton + judul film.
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Apabila anda menemukan film yang tidak bisa di putar, anda bisa membaca tentang cara untuk memperbaikinya, karena mungkin hanya masalah cache. Untuk keterangan lengkap, anda bisa membuka halaman film error. Terima kasih telah memilih 01nonton sebagai situs tempat nonton movies anda.