Nonton Beau Pere 1981. Rémi is a man trapped in a deteriorating marriage. When his wife is unexpectedly killed in a car accident, Rémi is left with his stepdaughter, Marion, who chooses to stay with him rather than live with her birth father.
After the initial shock passes, Rémi is caught off-guard when Marion begins expressing her attraction to him. Initially repulsed, Marion’s mature beauty wears him down as he finally caves to her seductions.
Remy is morose: he’s nearing 30 with his career as a musician going nowhere and his eight-year marriage to Martine souring. Then Martine dies in a car crash, and Marion, her 14-year-old daughter, wants to stay with Remy rather than go to her father’s house.
Remy likes the idea: he loves her, he’s raised her, and she offers him emotional responsibility. Marion’s father objects, but she’s determined, so he relents. Soon she tells Remy she finds him attractive, that she’s now “a woman,” and she wonders why they can’t be lovers.
Remy is appalled, but he weakens, missing her when she spends Christmas with her dad. What if they do become lovers? What next? And what if a woman closer to his age enters the picture?
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