Nonton Blame It on Rio. Matthew Hollis is man on holiday in Rio with his best friend. Both men have teenage daughters with them. When Matthew falls for his best friend’s amorous daughter named Jennifer, they embark on a secret, if slightly one-sided relationship. Jennifer’s father is furious when he finds out about the ‘older man’ in his daughter’s life, and sets out to hunt him down with the aid of Matthew!
Matthew is married to Karen, and father to teenaged daughter, Nikki. Victor, his colleague and best friend, who is going through a divorce, is father to 17-year-old Jennifer. Matthew’s marriage is not going well as well.
Just before they are to embark for a trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Karen says she is going on vacation by herself to “think about everything.” Matthew and Victor decide to go to Rio with their daughters.
The magical atmosphere of Rio, as if saturated with eroticism and languid lusts, takes them by surprise. Victor hunts for every woman, and Matthew, faithful to his wife, modestly accompanies his daughter in her entertainment.
But the exciting Brazilian rhythms and frank dances on the moonlit beach do their job. Unable to resist the relentless onslaught of the young seducer, Matthew enters into an intimate relationship with her. Nonton Blame It on Rio Victor is furious when he finds out about an “older man” in his daughter’s life, and sets out to hunt him down with the aid of Matthew.
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