Breaking In. Shaun Russell membawa putra dan putrinya pada liburan akhir pekan ke rumah peristirahatannya, rumah mewah berteknologi tinggi di pedesaan. Keluarga itu segera mendapat kejutan yang tidak menyenangkan ketika empat pria masuk ke rumah untuk mencari uang tersembunyi.
Setelah berhasil melarikan diri, Shaun sekarang harus mencari cara untuk membalikkan meja pada pencuri yang putus asa dan menyelamatkan anak-anak tawanannya.
After her father Isaac’s murder, Shaun Russell travels to the house she grew up in with her two children, daughter Jasmine and son Glover. Shaun intends to settle her father’s estate and sell the remotely-located house, which has multiple security features, including a hand-held remote monitor.
The security system is off-line at their arrival, but is soon reactivated by Jasmine. Unknown to the family, four criminals – Peter, Sam, Duncan, and their leader Eddie – are already in the house.
Jasmine and Glover are taken hostage while Shaun is outside. Peter chases Shaun into the woods, where she manages to knock him unconscious. She leaves him bound and gagged, and uses the intercom to call the house.
Eddie tells her they only came for the safe and the $4 million they believe is inside; Isaac was under investigation and Sam had learned that he liquidated his assets. The crew has only 90 minutes from when they cut the phone line before the security company will contact police, so they want to find it and leave quickly.
Concealed in the trees, Shaun sees Maggie, the Realtor, arrive with paperwork for the house sale. Eddie greets her at the door, explaining Shaun had gone into town briefly, and invites her in.
Maggie notices Shaun’s purse on the table behind Eddie and declines. As Maggie is leaving, Duncan attacks and slits her throat, which upsets Eddie, as it means Shaun won’t be as controllable..
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