A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer’s office he doesn’t complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise.
Years after his terrifying revenge on the wife and lover who tried to murder him by poisoning him only for him to appear to be dead and be buried alive, Clint Goodman secretly returns to his old hometown for the funeral of an old friend.
At the funeral, the man’s niece Laura, who knew Clint, sees him, but he leaves before she can approach him. Laura is married to Randy who hates his life in the small town, and because Laura doesn’t empathize with him he has an affair. He tells his girlfriend that he will leave Laura for her, but she’s not patient. Laura and Randy learn that she has inherited a fortune from her uncle and Randy sees this as their opportunity to get out, but Laura is hesitant.
Randy hears the story of what happened to Clint and decides to do something similar to Laura. Laura eventually corners Clint, who tells her to forget him as he is technically a wanted man and also in broken health due to his having been poisoned. Randy gives Laura the toxin and plans to make sure of her death by having her embalmed twice, but the machine breaks down, so she is buried alive.
When Clint learns of Laura’s “death”, he goes to dig her up, but dies from heart failure just as he opens the coffin. Laura awakens and returns home to find Randy with his girlfriend. However, instead of simply killing them. she instead decides to play an even deadlier game with them.
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