Capture The Flag – A young surfer rallies his friends to stop a billionaire from rewriting history as a way to horde Helium 3, the clean energy of the future.
Plucky, 12-year-old Mike Goldwing is the son and grandson of NASA astronauts. His grandfather Frank, a once-revered but now-forgotten retired astronaut, lives isolated from his family after missing out on his big chance to fly to the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as a part of the Apollo XI mission.
When an eccentric billionaire hatches an evil plan to fly to the moon, steal the moon’s vast mineral resources, and destroy the American flag planted by the Apollo XI team, Mike embarks on a magnificent adventure as a stowaway on the space shuttle.
Accompanied by his grandfather, best friends Amy and Marty, and a clever chameleon, Mike blasts off to the moon to capture the flag and reunite his family.
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