Joo-young, who returns to her hometown after decades, has a nightmare. The past she thought she had forgotten..the past she wanted to erase and live!
What happened? Police officer Gyeong-cheol, sidewalk shop owner Sang-yeol, and billiard room owner Park Gyu have a natural enemy relationship that bites and bites each other. Born and raised in a small town, they were literally ball friends.
However, due to an unfortunate incident that no one expected in high school, now that they are middle-aged, a disgusting food chain relationship that can neither be seen nor seen each other has formed.
It all started with that, and as the years passed, we couldn’t be called friends. This wasn’t what we wanted. Kyung-cheol, who became a police officer to end the terrible relationship!
Sooner or later, they become engrossed in the relationship and live a dignified life. Then one day, Kyung-cheol’s first love, Joo-yeong, suddenly appears without notice.
Joo-young and Kyung-cheol, who were sharing their fresh first love with each other. But she leaves her hometown like a late night escape. Kyung-cheol, who is caught secretly spying on Joo-yeong’s bathing with her friends, blames herself for it when Joo-yeong leaves without a word, shifts the blame to the culprit, Park Kyu, and pours out hatred and anger.
Sang-yeol, the owner of a newsroom, makes another friend, Hyun-sook, a helper. And they have a physical relationship, but they don’t climax. Hyun-sook, who even works as a helper for her son, remembers her mother, who sold her body for herself.
Sangyeol’s mother eventually made an extreme choice amid criticism from people. Sang-yeol, who saw her mother in her Hyun-sook, forces her to liquidate her life as a helper.
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