Nonton Cookies – Les galettes de Pont-Aven Henri Serin, a sales rep in umbrellas who lives in Saumur, is bored with his life. Married to an unloving, uptight wife, who, unlike him, has no interest in sex, he is also rejected by his children.
Thus, he spends most of his time travelling from town to town, flirting with women and meeting all kinds of people in the hotels, restaurants, shops and places he visits.
He also dabbles in painting, particularly portraits. After his car breaks down as he is driving through Brittany, he meets a rough, foul-mouthed painter who offers him to stay at his house, near Pont-Aven.
There, Henri falls in love with Angela, the painters model and fling, and soon they run off together.
Henri is a middle-aged travelling umbrella salesman from Saumur who lives a sexless and unhappy married life with his puritan wife and two children. Painting is the only true passion of Henri but he also has an affection for female buttocks.
One night, on the roads of Brittany he hits a boar with his car. Émile, a rude and carefree painter who lives in a cottage near Riec-sur-Belon meets him and invites him to stay at his house while the car is being fixed.
Henri falls in love with his Canadian live-in girlfriend Angela who draws Henri’s attention with her beautiful buttocks. They leave Émile after a violent confrontation and move to Pont-Aven, ‘the city of painters’.
Angela encourages Henri to continue his life as a painter and he sees this as an opportunity to leave his earlier life behind. However, Angela soon dumps him for Émile and Henri becomes a drunkard, butt of jokes in the town, and a painter unable to sell a single painting.
Marie, the teenage maid working at the pension Henri stays, is apparently in love with him but he seems to neglect her because his mind is too occupied with Angela. However, Henri soon faces his true feelings for Marie.
He finds pure love and a pair of beautiful buttocks in her and decides to make a new start in his life.
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