A vampire follows his instincts to a strip joint where he focuses in on one of the performers.
He picks her for his meal because she is contemplating suicide, but he wants to share her life before taking it, and during the course of the evening they discuss their differences, their fears, and their lifestyles.
As the moment of truth approaches, the woman becomes less sure that she wants to die.
Jodi , a stripper at the Paradise Cafe, is unaware that a vampire is watching her perform as well as listening to her telephone conversation while she pleads with her ex-husband to let her say ‘Happy Birthday’ to her son. Not that Jodi would care.
She just wishes she were dead. At closing time, the vampire is waiting for her. He offers her $1000 in exchange for her company and conversation this night. He wants to know about the life of a mortal, about daytime and sunlight and friends and caring.
Jodi has until 6 am to teach him these things; then he intends to feed off her and end her suffering. In the meantime, however, the vampire helps Jodi to see her son, Jodi helps the vampire to feel the sun, Jodi and the vampire make love and, come 6 am, Jodi fights to stay alive.
Ultimately, the vampire commits suicide by joining Jodi in the morning sunlight.
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