An unreservedly matter-of-fact look at two young women who consider prostitution an adventure until reality catches up with them.
Broke students Lea and Hanna, instead of working as waitresses, both decide to work as escort girls because they think they can earn bigger, better money.
They also had bad sex before, so why not make a living with sex? Between curiosity and bewilderment, they plunge into an adventure between day and night. They quickly learn how to deal with their “suitors”: they always make their clients feel special.
Their clients turn out to be quite normal family fathers, bored or stressed-out managers, commercial travelers, young men–all in search of sexual adventures. Despite their small perversions, they are rarely unsympathetic, so sometimes there is room for happiness.
Slowly this job seems to please them and soon it is just part of their everyday life. Normal life is escaping them more and more and more–how to combine studies with escort service? student with call girl?
It doesn’t take long for the first conflicts to emerge and they exceed their own limits and ask themselves seriously how far they would go for money.
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