Deadgirl. When high school misfits Rickie and JT decide to ditch school and find themselves lost in the crumbling facility of a nearby abandoned hospital, they come face-to-face with a gruesome discovery: a body of a woman stripped naked, chained to a table and covered in plastic and soon realize she is anything but dead.
Quickly the boys find themselves embarking on a twisted yet poignant journey testing the limits of their friendship, and forces both to decide just how far they’re willing to stretch their understanding of right and wrong.
On a hot day, two rebellious high school friends, Rickie and JT, decide to skip class to hang out at an abandoned asylum for the mentally ill. After breaking into the derelict place, the fun begins in the ill-lit maze of the institution’s long corridors and dark rooms, when, all of a sudden, JT discovers the body of a naked young woman covered with a plastic film.
Now, in the light of this grotesque and unexpected finding, troubling questions rise, as this seemingly unresponsive prisoner starts growling and gnashing. Who is this scarred woman? Was she a patient here, or was she the guinea pig of a demented scientist? Above all, how human is this unknown girl who cannot die?
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