D’Artacán y los tres Mosqueperros. France, 17th century. D’Artacán is a brave and idealist but young and innocent swordsman who dreams of becoming a hero and joining the legendary King Luis XIII’s Muskehounds to restore his father’s honor after he was blamed by a crime he didn’t committed, forcing him to leave Paris and his job as captain of the Muskehounds.
When he arrive to the city, a series of unfortunate events cause not only that D’Artacán meets the beauty Juliette, Queen Ana’s personal assistant, but greedy and money lover Pom so the most famous and skilled Muskehounds: Amis, Dogos and Ponthos, accepting a sword duel with all them one behind the other to solve their disagreements.
Unaware for D’Artacán, he listened a talk in a tavern between evil Count Rochefort and Milady de Winter about topple Luis XIII as part of powerful and cruel Cardinal Richelieu’s masterplan to unleash the war against England.
Fearing that D’Artacán reports the king, Richelieu orders Rochefort and his particular guards to kill him, making that D’Artacán, Amis, Dogos and Ponthos leave his misunderstanding behind to fight together.
When Amis, Dogos and Ponthos learn about Richelieu’s plan the three joins D’Artacán to save France from the war helped by Juliette, but not knowing that Pom has been cheated by Richelieu to report him about D’Artacán actions for receiving much money. When Luis XIII organizes a royal ball as meeting with King of England, Richelieu manipulates the King Luis to force Queen Ana to carry on a special collar in the ball for that Milady steal it and King of England declares war against France by the missing collar.
Realizing the Richelieu’s plan, D’Artacán, Amis, Dogos and Ponthos turns in the only hope to save the country and stop Richelieu before he succeed in his ambition. Based on the beloved animated TV series originally created by Claudio Biern Boyd, and inspired by the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas.
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