Nonton Dogtooth aka Kynodontas. Three teenagers are confined to an isolated country estate that could very well be on another planet. The trio spend their days listening to endless homemade tapes that teach them a whole new vocabulary.
Any word that comes from beyond their family abode is instantly assigned a new meaning. Hence ‘the sea’ refers to a large armchair and ‘zombies’ are little yellow flowers.
Having invented a brother whom they claim to have ostracized for his disobedience, the uber-controlling parents terrorize their offspring into submission.
Through a volatile mixture of indoctrination, misinformation, and fear, three grown-up siblings two sisters and one brother find themselves confined to the family’s isolated villa.
However, being kept on a short leash since birth can only mean one thing: the siblings have been relying on their cold, manipulative parents to learn about the ways of the world their entire lives.
Of course, no one knows why the cruel patriarch and his frigid wife deliberately keep their submissive children in the dark. After all, they say ignorance is bliss–freedom is nothing but a word.
But nothing lasts forever. And when corrosive influence in the shape of young security guard Christina enters the equation, sweet, baffling temptation threatens years of meticulous mind-programming. Is the grass greener on the other side of the fence? With this in mind, how can an ordinary dogtooth stand in the way of happiness?
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