Alice and Jack are lucky to be living in the idealized community of Victory, the experimental company town housing the men who work for the top-secret Victory Project and their families.
But when cracks in their idyllic life begin to appear, exposing flashes of something much more sinister lurking beneath the attractive façade, Alice can’t help questioning exactly what they’re doing in Victory, and why.
Jack Chambers and Alice may be feeling their life is perfect. How not, they are a young couple in the 1950s who live in the corporate town of Victory, California. An elite yet mysterious neighborhood created and paid for by the mysterious company of the same name where Jack works.
Every day Jack and all the men in Victory went to work, while the wives stayed home cleaning, relaxing, and preparing dinner for their husbands. Although the lives of wives can be said to be the dream of many women, there is one thing that makes all of this seem odd.
Women are not encouraged to ask questions about their husbands’ work and are not allowed to go to Headquarters, where the husbands work. They have always been haunted by the belief that Headquarters is a dangerous place.
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