Nonton Feral State. A misfit gang of runaways and orphans are taken in by a dark and charismatic father figure, who together wreak havoc throughout swamps and trailer parks of central Florida.
Tucked far away from the white sandy beaches and amusement parks is a Florida that few outsiders ever see. Nestled alongside the gator infested swamps and rundown trailer parks lives a charismatic yet dangerous grifter named MACK MONROE who takes in orphans and runaways off the street.
A self proclaimed father to the forgotten, Mack gives these lost souls only semblance of a home they’ve ever known – but at what cost? Mack trains his ragtag gang in the art of thievery and crime, filling their vulnerable minds with vigilante gospels and together wreak havoc by knocking off drug dealers and meth labs.
Hot on their tail is DETECTIVE ELLIS, an ass-kicking tough as nails cop who not only fights crime, but is also forced to fight for respect in a patriarchal police force. Mack and the gang’s world gets flipped upside down with the arrival of a mysterious young girl, who at first seems like the perfect new recruit but turns out to be something far
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