Nonton Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major 2023 Former orchestra conductor Gethsemane Brown has moved to the Irish countryside to teach music at St. Brendan’s boarding school. After deciphering a cryptic musical message, she meets renowned composer Eamon McCarthy, who is rumored to be behind the death of his longtime love. Eamon enlists Gethsemane’s help to find the real person responsible so that he can finally move on and reunite with his true love in the afterlife. With the ghost of Eamon tagging along, Gethsemane investigates, but faces resistance from the charming Inspector O’Reilly, who takes a liking to her but considers the case closed. Juggling her sleuthing with the job she was hired to do, Gethsemane meanwhile struggles to turn the motley crew of students at St. Brendan’s into a choir that can compete at Regionals, though a handsome math teacher Griff is able to help her gain some ground.
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