A young female intern at a small magazine company becomes involved with a drug-addicted lesbian photographer, both of whom seek to exploit each other for their respective careers, while slowly falling in love with each other.
A movie with a title like this one is bound to stay unknown and unpopular. Most people don’t understand anything about modern art (I’m one of them) and certainly don’t want to see a movie about its creation. But somehow I was curious about it, hoping that this movie would explain something about how it all works and that it would give me an insight in this unknown and isolated world.
Syd is the newly appointed assistant editor of Frame magazine, a magazine about art photography, who lives together with her boyfriend in an apartment. When there is a leak in their ceiling, she goes to the neighbors upstairs to complain.
But what she didn’t know is that this neighbor is no-one else than the talented and once famous photographer Lucy Berliner. Immediately she sees a nice opportunity to boost her career and starts hanging out more with Lucy and her junkie friends, who almost permanently seem to live in Lucy’s apartment.
She encourages Lucy to shoot new pictures for her magazine, but as they grow closer to each other, Syd’s boyfriend becomes more and more jealous and Syd starts to fall in love with Lucy.
Semoga Film yang sedang anda saksikan ini bisa memuaskan nafsu dan hasrat anda dalam menonton film online. Pastikan anda selalu mengunjungi situs 01Nonton untuk menemukan film terbaru pilihan anda. Untuk mencari kami, cukup anda google dengan mengetik 01Nonton. Untuk mencari judul film dengan menggunakan google, anda bisa memakai format 01Nonton + judul film.
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Apabila anda menemukan film yang tidak bisa di putar, anda bisa membaca tentang cara untuk memperbaikinya, karena mungkin hanya masalah cache. Untuk keterangan lengkap, anda bisa membuka halaman film error. Terima kasih telah memilih 01nonton sebagai situs tempat nonton movies anda.