Nonton I’ll Never Die Alone aka No moriré sola. A violent thriller set in the outback of remote La Plata region, I’LL NEVER DIE ALONE (aka NO MORIRE SOLA) is a tough and pounding story of revenge for rape, mercilessly carried out by a group of women intent on pursuing their attackers to the bitter end.
Four young women ride together in the remote countryside of La Plata. On the way, they witness a crime. A local gang of trash shot a girl and left her for dead. The friends drag the victim into their car and rush to the nearest police station. When they reach a village, the girl has bled to death and they want to make a statement.
When the leader of the gang walks in, they discover to their dismay that he is the boss of the local police. With the foot on the accelerator, the girls drive away as quickly as possible. However, the gang manages to overtake them and get stuck. What follows is a terrible ordeal and a merciless, violent circle of bloody revenge and revenge.
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