Into the Blue. Red-hot action superstars Paul Walker and Jessica Alba heat up the screen as two sexy young divers who dream of finding hidden treasure.
When they take some friends on an extreme sport adventure, the last thing they expect to see below the shark-infested waters is a legendary pirate ship rumored to contain millions of dollars in gold.
Down on his luck and perpetually impecunious, the experienced deep-sea diver, Jared, and his theme-park guide girlfriend, Sam, lead an idyllic and simple life in the sun-drenched Bahamas.
Dreaming of striking gold, the couple along with Jared’s solicitor friend, Bryce, and his new lover, Amanda, set sails for the vast ocean on a rickety boat, to claim ownership of a sunken pirate treasure of inestimable value lying next to a wrecked fuselage crammed with watertight cocaine bricks.
Before long, the temptation to get their hands on easy money will lead to a dangerous head-on collision with the murderous local drug lords, as the team gets sucked deeper and deeper into an unexpected adventure amid the blue and shark-infested Bahamian waters.
But, will the sea give away its riches so easily?
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