Nonton Irreversible. Events over the course of one traumatic night in Paris unfold in reverse-chronological order as the beautiful Alex is brutally raped and beaten by a stranger in the underpass.
Her boyfriend and ex-lover take matters into their own hands by hiring two criminals to help them find the rapist so that they can exact revenge.
A simultaneously beautiful and terrible examination of the destructive nature of cause and effect, and how time destroys everything.
A young woman, Alex, is raped by a stranger in a tunnel. Her boyfriend Marcus and ex-boyfriend Pierre decide to do justice themselves.
In 2002, Gaspar Noé created controversy by presenting his film at the Cannes Film Festival. 17 years later, he returns with a brand new version of his cult film. Initially operated in an anechronological form, with Irreversible the filmmaker offers us a completely different reading, offering it to us in a chronological order.
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