Nonton La mécanique des femmes aka The Mechanics of Women. A man stands before the insatiable desire of women, their sensual instincts and carnivores, their hilarious seduction games, their grace, their rudeness, their needs; love them.
The movie concerns one man’s obsession and one woman’s appetite, and the consequences of their ultimate meeting. A man is entering the final stages of a love affair.
His girlfriend tells him a tale of a woman, lurking of the streets of Paris in a search of men to conquer. The man, obsessed with this image of the woman, embarks on a quest.
He enters a series of brief sexual encounters in hopes of finding her. His mind flows between fantasy and reality as he relives a lifetime of hapless affairs and one-night stands.
One night, he attends a party in the projects when he comes face-to-face with the object of his obsession.
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