Lady Chatterley tells a storya about In the Chatterley’s country estate, monotonous days follow one after the other for Constance, trapped by her marriage and her sense of duty.
During spring, deep in the heart of Wragby forest, she encounters Parkin, the estate’s gamekeeper. A tale of an encounter, a difficult apprenticeship, a slow awakening to sensuality for her, a long return to life for him.
Or how love is but one with experience and transformation.
Sir Clifford has returned from the Great War to his estate near Sheffield, paralyzed from the waist down. Lady Constance, his young wife, cares for him, but she’s lifeless, enervated.
Her physician prescribes the open air, and she finds a quiet retreat at the hut – the workplace – of Parkin, the estate’s gamekeeper. The rhythms of nature awaken Connie daffodils, pheasant chicks and soon she and Parkin become lovers.
She’s now radiant. Parkin, too, opens up. Class distinctions and gender roles may be barriers to the affair becoming more. Connie’s trip to France, with her father and sister, bring the lovers to a nuanced resolution.
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