Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life – Lara Croft ventures to an underwater temple in search of the mythological Pandora’s Box but, after securing it, it is promptly stolen by the villainous leader of a Chinese crime syndicate.
Lara must recover the box before the syndicate’s evil mastermind uses it to construct a weapon of catastrophic capabilities.
Off the coast of the volcanic island of Santorini, the intrepid archaeologist, Lara Croft, makes the unexpected discovery of a throbbing golden orb able to guide its holder to the mythical Pandora’s Box.
As the legendary artefact contains ancient mysteries of unfathomable power, Lara needs to make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, especially the unscrupulous former Nobel Prize winner and now a bio-weapons dealer, Jonathan Reiss.
With the aid of the former agent, Terry Sheridan, the fearless adventurer travels the world in pursuit of the precious item; however, can she retrieve it in time to save the day?
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