A maid living in post-World War I England secretly plans to meet with the man she loves before he leaves to marry another woman.
Set over a day in 1924, the story follows Jane Fairchild, a maid in the Niven household, who has the day off to celebrate Mothering Sunday while Mr. and Mrs. Niven attend a lunch to celebrate the engagement of their neighbour’s only remaining son, Paul, to Emma Hobday.
Jane rejoices at her freedom on an unseasonably hot, beautiful spring day. But, she has no mother to go to. For almost seven years she has joyfully and without shame been Paul’s lover.
Like the Nivens, Paul belongs to England’s old money aristocracy, whereas Jane was orphaned at birth. With the house conveniently empty, they can finally meet in Paul’s bedroom for the first time.
Today will be their last as lovers. It is also the day that will mark the beginning of Jane’s transformation as the story unfolds through the hours of clandestine passion.
Film Mothering Sunday yang penuh adegan panas ini di bintangi oleh Odessa Young sebagai Jane Fairchild, dan aktor Josh O’Connor sebagai Paul.
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