Mystic River tells a story about friendship and loyalty, guilt and vengeance, and the fateful affect the past has on the present.
In the summer of 1975 in a neighborhood in Boston, three kids- Dave Boyle and his two friends, Jimmy Markum and Sean Devine- are playing on the sidewalk when Dave gets abducted by two men and endures days of sexual abuse.
Eventually Dave escapes, but is traumatized throughout adulthood. Jimmy is an ex-con and a father of three, whose daughter Katie is found dead, and Dave becomes the number one suspect.
Sean is a homicide detective investigating Katie’s murder, and finds himself faced with past and present demons as more is uncovered about Katie’s murder. Learning Katie had a boyfriend, ballistics later connect a gun belonging to his father to the murder, setting her boyfriend as the suspect.
Will Sean find out who killed Katie? Will Jimmy make it through the investigation? And will Dave ever admit what really happened when he was abducted?
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