Nobody Else But You. The ambiguous suicide of a local beauty, weathergirl, cheese model, and Marilyn Monroe look-a-like finds an eager sleuth in David Rousseau, best-selling crime novelist.
When Rousseau visits a remote Alps village for the reading of his friend’s will he unwittingly, but irresistibly, gets caught in the tangled web of murder and small town politics in this off-beat mystery.
“Rousseau” is a Parisian bestselling crime novelist, working on a new novel but desperately looking for a good story. “Candice Lecoeur” is a young, attractive, and vibrant woman who thinks she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.
But Candice is living far away from the city. Born in a remote area of France, she manages to become a model for the small cheese factory based in the area. She becomes a star but only a local one.
The two will meet but only after Candice has been found dead. Cause of death: suicide by sleeping pills. Rousseau is the only one who doesn’t buy it and who wants to know the true cause of her death.
In his search for the truth, he will be confronted with many difficulties: becoming a detective-novelist and getting respect from the locals, and going beyond what some people want to keep secret forever.
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