When Keira Woods’ daughter mysteriously vanishes in the cellar of their new house in the country, she soon discovers there is an ancient and powerful entity controlling their home that she will have to face or risk losing her family’s souls forever.
Keira Woods’ daughter mysteriously vanishes in the cellar of their new house. She soon discovers there is an ancient and powerful entity controlling their home that she will have to face or risk losing her family’s souls forever.
Unable to turn down a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy their dream house for nothing, Keira and Brian Woods move into a vast, lavish, fully-furnished Irish manor in the city’s suburbs.
As their sulky teenage daughter Ellie and her younger brother Steven wander around the cold rooms of their eerily vacant new home, suddenly, an intriguing wind-up gramophone in the living room catches their attention.
And, without a doubt, there must be more treasures hidden in plain sight. But who knows what lies behind the kids’ peculiar behaviour? What dark, hair-raising wonders lurk in the cellar?
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