Nonton The Professional Bridesmaid 2023 When a Professional Bridesmaid books a high-profile wedding, she must keep her true identity a secret, not only from the wedding party but also from the handsome reporter covering the event.
Years ago, Maggie Bailey realized she had a particular skill set for being an ace bridesmaid – and she went pro. Now she uses her talents to help brides navigate the tricky emotional and social dynamics that go along with planning their big day in addition to the practical.
Her latest client, Alexis Shepard, is the daughter of Columbus’ mayor who is up for re-election. Alexis’ wedding promises to be the event of the summer with lots of scrutiny, so the mayor’s team hires Maggie to join the bridal party and help keep everything on track.
But no one can know that Maggie is a hired bridesmaid, so she is introduced as Alexis’ old friend Maisie. Unfortunately, Henry Whittington, an ambitious local reporter assigned to the society story is sniffing around hoping to get close to the mayor for a scoop on the pending development of local park land.
To pull off her assignment, Maggie must coordinate three unhelpful bridesmaids and keep Henry focused on the wedding while hiding her identity, even as she begins to grow closer to him.
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