Nonton Not You, Your Sister 너 말고 니언니. One day, suddenly, Ji-sook comes home and finds three people living together. Husband, who is always troubled by his wife who is not interested in himself, tries to restore his relationship with wisdom every night, but he gets depressed when he gets back a chilly refusal.
One day, Gi-tae, who is comforting himself while watching a video, is exposed to Ji-suk, who is watching TV in the living room. In fact, wife Wisdom was having an affair with her boss. Execution Ji-sook, who was unhappy with his wife’s relationship with Wisdom, decided to help his brother-in-law improve his relationship. Ki-taek, who lacks confidence, trains his brother to satisfy his wisdom.
Ji-sook’s private lessons have different techniques each day. In the end, Ji-Ta-M can recover his relationship with wisdom thanks to his familiarity. When Ji-sook finds that his brother-in-law’s relationship has improved again, he leaves his brother-in-law’s house without regret.
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