Nonton Novo 2002. After an injury, Graham suffers from short-term memory loss, which causes him to fall back into the abyss of amnesia every 10 minutes. Those around him both profit and suffer from his condition
His sex-crazed boss, Sabine, tricks him into regular trysts, while his family tries to come to terms with the situation. But when temp Irene starts working at Graham’s company, they fall into an affair that begins to make a mark on his memory.
Graham struggles to connect the pieces of his shattered short-term memory. Unable to recall the most basic facts of his life and his sexual past, he quickly falls prey to the erotic appetites of the women he encounters.
Those who loved Graham yesterday shouldn’t count on today. Those who love him today risk being heartbroken tomorrow… Suffering from recurring memory loss, Graham is restricted to a limited short-term memory.
He forgets most things after only a few minutes. He no longer recognizes his wife Isabelle nor his young son Antoine nor his best friend Fred. Since each day is a new day, Graham copes with life by referring to the details of his little notebook, the defining key to his identity.
He works as a photocopy clerk under the close watch of his sexy boss Sabine, who uses him to his libido’s advantage. Pretty new temp Irene can’t help falling for Graham’s spontaneous charm. But how can Graham really fall in love with her when he sees each time as the first time?
Irene is about to experience all new ways of romance. She’ll just have to remember everything for the both of them. Everyone around Graham has their reasons why he should or shouldn’t fully recover.
Untuk anda pecinta film 18 dewasa, Nonton Novo 2002 ini sangat cocok untuk anda. Bintang cantik Paz Vega yang kita kenal lewat beberapa filmnya yang ada di 01Nonton yaitu Carmen, dan Rambo: Last Blood hadir sangat berani di film ini.
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