Nonton Pillow Party Massacre 2023 Directed by Calvin Morie McCarthy tells about five girls, five best friends, all haunted by their past mistakes of an April Fools prank gone fatally wrong, meet again after two years for a summer week long getaway in the woods to reconnect and reconcile.
There are a lot of pitfalls that a throwback slasher movie can fall into. Pillow Party Massacre manages to avoid most of them while uncovering some new ones. By building a classic era invoking script from the ground up…it succeeds better than it has any right to. It can’t overcome some imitations…or its incredibly predictable killer reveal…but it can make you nostalgic for a very specific type of post-Halloween horror movie.
Nonton Pillow Party Massacre 2023 Two years after an April Fool’s prank goes wrong…the group of girls responsible reunite for a weekend vacation. Unfortunately, they learned nothing from the slew of 80s horror movies about this very subject and a masked killer arrives to slaughter them. Pillow fights give way to a fight for survival as the friends are forced to confront the past they’ve tried to leave behind.
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