Now the world champion, Rocky Balboa is living in luxury and only fighting opponents who pose no threat to him in the ring, until Clubber Lang challenges him to a bout. After taking a pounding from Lang, the humbled champ turns to former bitter rival Apollo Creed for a rematch with Lang.
After winning the ultimate title and being the world champion, Rocky falls into a hole and finds himself picked up by a former enemy.
Sylvester Stallone returns to the character which made him famous in this wildly successful sequel. Rocky III starts with the Italian Stallion so famous that his likeness is everywhere, including pinball machines.
Fame and complacency soon cause Balboa to lose his title to young thug Clubber Lang, who inadvertently causes the death of Rocky’s beloved trainer, Mickey, before their first championship bout.
After sinking into a depression, Balboa must regain the love and support of his family, as well as the elusive “eye of the tiger,” the hungry need to beat the opponent which former foe Apollo Creed teaches him during this film’s training sequence. In the end, Balboa faces off against Lang for a second time.
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