A thirty-seven-year-old woman name Stephanie wakes up from a twenty-year coma and returns to the high school where she was once a popular cheerleader to finish her senior year and become prom queen.
A cheerleading stunt gone wrong landed her in a 20-year coma. Now she’s 37, newly awake and ready to live out her high school dream: becoming prom queen.
In 2002 and tells the story of Stephanie, the most popular girl in her high school. She’s the captain of the cheerleading squad, dating the quarterback and is well on her way to becoming the prom queen. Girls want to be her and guys want to be with her.
She has it all until she falls off the top of the cheerleading pyramid and goes into a coma. Fast forward 20 years later and Ruby finally wakes up from her coma as a 37-year-old woman.
She goes back to her high school and tries to assume her role as the star of her school. Most of all, she is still set on winning the crown as prom queen.
Stephanie di film comedy ini diperankan oleh Rebel Wilson yang tentu sudah tidak asing lagi karena pernah berperan di The Hustle dan Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb bersama Ben Stiller.
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