Strictly Sexual tells a story about two successful women, sick and tired of dating and relationships, decide to keep two young men in their pool house for strictly sexual purposes.
In Los Angeles, the wealthy aspirant writer Donna and her best friend (also aspirant designer) Christi Ann are bored of relationships and decide to chase two escorts in a bar for one night stand.
Meanwhile, the construction workers and best friends Stanny and Joe come from New York but do not find jobs in Los Angeles; without money, they decide to go to a fancy bar to drink and leave the place without paying the bill.
Donna and Christi Ann meet Stanny and Joe and invite them home believing they are hustlers. After a night of sex, the women discover the misunderstanding and that the men are indeed unemployed workers.
They offer them to stay in a tent near the swimming-pool with beer and food while they search for jobs; in return, they would be their “boy-toys” during the nights in a strictly sexual relationship.
Along the following weeks, the couples become closer and change their feelings and behaviors with the development and growing of their relationships.
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