Nonton Stromboli 2022 Haunted by memories of her broken marriage and a fight with her daughter, a woman joins an intense self-help retreat when her vacation goes awry. Stromboli is a new drama directed by Michiel van Erp, director of Nobody in the City. The film is an adaptation of the book of the same name, written by Saskia Noort.
The film follows Sara (Elise Schaap), who tries to escape her past and present situation. For this she traveled to the small Italian volcanic island of Stromboli with a suitcase filled with vodka and a body and mind filled with traumatic problems. Secretly she hopes that the volcano will erupt and that she can be freed from all this misery.
At her lowest point of misery, Sara ends up with a society filled with people who also carry their own traumas and problems with them. The society is led by the guru Jens (Christian Hillborg). He tries to steer all members in a direction so that they are confronted with their problems and traumas and can hopefully overcome them.
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