Nonton SUGA: Road to D-DAY 2023 SUGA of the world-renowned group, BTS, works on a new album. He embarks on a journey to find his story to tell through music, while interacting with artists from various cities around the world.
Accompanying Suga BTS’ debut as a soloist, Disney+ Hotstar released the documentary film SUGA: Road to D-DAY. This documentary tells of Suga’s journey to several countries in order to find musical inspiration for making songs on his solo album. The music artist whose birth name is Min Yoongi is a rapper, songwriter, and music producer at BTS. In several countries he met musicians and singers Steve AOKI, Anderson .Paak, Halsey, and Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Nonton SUGA: Road to D-DAY 2023 During the 81-minute duration of the film, Suga talks a lot about his worries, thoughts and contemplations. Since the beginning, SUGA: Road to D-DAY described when Suga felt burdened and experienced a stalemate in composing songs. The shooting is quite varied. Not only using a camera that was placed without a cameraman, but there was also a time when Suga talked with the cameraman who followed him on a trip. Overall this documentary is not boring. Not only showing Suga’s activities in the music studio but also his moments on vacation enjoying the beauty of nature.
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