Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines – It’s been 10 years since John Connor saved Earth from Judgment Day, and he’s now living under the radar, steering clear of using anything Skynet can trace.
That is, until he encounters T-X, a robotic assassin ordered to finish what T-1000 started. Good thing Connor’s former nemesis, the Terminator, is back to aid the now-adult Connor … just like he promised.
A machine from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to protect a man and a woman from an advanced robotic assassin to ensure they both survive a nuclear attack.
More than 10 years after ‘Terminator 2’, John Connor now exists only as a drifter – living ‘off the grid’, so no more Terminators from the future can hunt him down. Unfortunately, SkyNet does send another one back – and this one is called the T-X, even more powerful & advanced than the dreaded T-1000.
However, another CSM-101 Terminator is also sent back to protect John against the T-X. Now, Skynet is patiently assuming control of civilian computer systems, under the guise of a computer virus.
John has also met his future wife, Kate Brewster, whose father – a U.S. Air Force General – is in charge of the military computer systems & is leery of up linking SkyNet.
However, when the SkyNet virus infects the U.S military computers & leaves the country open to attack, the machines begin their horrific takeover. Soon a nuclear war will result and the war against the machines will begin.
Can the outdated CSM-101 Terminator eliminate the highly advanced T-X – or will a darker future await man following the nuclear attack?
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