Nonton The Carnal Sutra Mat aka Rou pu tuan 足本玉蒲团 / 浮世风情绘. Four hundred years ago, a talented man was ordered to commit peach blossom. One night, he had a fantastic dream. At first, he began to sing songs, and then he fell into the sea. Finally, he was killed. He woke up with a shock.
Set during the Yuan dynasty in the 14th century, the novel’s protagonist, Weiyangsheng 未央生, visits a Buddhist temple, where he meets a monk, who notes that he exhibits wisdom but also lust. Weiyangsheng says that the monk’s purpose in life is to sit on a zafu (or prayer mat) and meditate, while his desire is to marry a beautiful woman and sit on a “carnal prayer mat” 肉蒲團
Weiyangsheng is an egoistic young scholar who often boasts of his aspiration to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. He seeks neither fame nor glory, and prefers to indulge in women and sex. A monk called “Budai Heshang” 布袋和尚 once urged him to give up on his philandering ways and follow the path of Buddhism, while his father-in-law, Taoist Tiefei (鐵扉道人), also attempted to persuade him to be more decent, but Weiyangsheng ignored both of them.
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