The Chronicles of Riddick – Five years after the events in sci-fi film Pitch Black, escaped convict Riddick finds himself caught in the middle of a galactic war waged by Lord Marshal, the leader of a sect called the Necromongers.
Riddick is charged with stopping the Necromonger army, all while rescuing an old friend from a prison planet and evading capture by bounty hunters.
The wanted criminal Richard Bruno Riddick arrives on a planet called Helion Prime and finds himself up against an invading empire called the Necromongers, an army that plans to convert or kill all humans in the universe.
Richard Bruno Riddick, now a hunted man, finds himself in the middle of two opposing forces in a major crusade. Lord Marshal is a warrior priest who is the leader of a sect that is waging the tenth and perhaps final crusade five hundred years in the future.
Aereon is an ambassador from the Elemental race. She is an ethereal being who helps Riddick unearth his origins.
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