The City Below – Unter dir die Stadt – A man and a woman at an art exhibition share a fleeting moment of attraction, which neither can act upon. Days later, a chance second meeting leads to an innocent coffee and the two strangers – both married – toy with their unexplainable fascination for each other.
Svenja is curious and finds herself in a hotel room with Roland, but she does not consummate an affair. A powerful executive at the large bank where Svenja’s husband works, Roland is used to getting what he wants.
He manipulates the transfer of her husband to Indonesia to replace a recently murdered bank manager. Unaware of Roland’s actions, Svenja now ceases to resist.
In a by-chance meeting at a mandatory cultural event, Roland Cordes, 55, member of the board of a large bank, meets the wife of a new employee: Svenja Steve, 33. There is an immediate attraction between the two.
When a bank manager is murdered in Indonesia, Cordes seizes his chance: he suggests Svenja’s husband Oliver for the position, although there are better-qualified people to take the job.
But Cordes’ power is far-reaching and Oliver is transferred to Jakarta. From the fleeting meeting an affair develops that becomes more and more existential in nature. When Cordes’ scheme is exposed, however, Svenja suddenly ends the relationship.
Deeply hurt, Cordes almost loses his mind. At the same time in Jakarta, Oliver is being threatened. Svenja begs him to return. In a dramatic night, Cordes gives up his position on the board of directors, Svenja jogs through a park at night, and Oliver stops to reflect for the first time ever.
Then it’s morning and Svenja and Cordes are in a hotel room: two players who can’t stay away from each other.
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