Nonton The Crash. In the not so distant future, a team of white collar criminals are enlisted by the Federal government to thwart a cyber-attack that threatens to bankrupt the United States of America.
Set in the future when the US economy is on the brink of yet another massive financial crisis, The Crash tells the story of Guy Clifton (Frank Grillo), a federally-indicted stock trader, who is secretly enlisted by the federal government to help thwart a cyber-attack aimed at the US stock markets – an attack that could permanently cripple the economy.
Our ‘richer than God’ protagonist is charged with assembling a team capable of running the government’s top secret ‘shadow stock exchange’ in an attempt to keep the markets from mass panic in the event the cyber-hijack is successful.
Having only ever been fueled by his love of money, Guy fully intends to use his insider knowledge of this world catastrophe for personal gain until he unearths the organization behind the attack and discovers its motives.
For the first time in his life, Guy is challenged to make decisions not only for himself, but also for the good of his country – decisions that are rooted in morality rather than dollar signs. This fast-paced, save-the-world thriller is a story of redemption that also challenges the audience to question if their money is safe, and if so, for how long.
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