An impoverished leader of a small religious commune in Miami is offered cash to save his family from eviction.
He has no idea his sponsor works for an FBI agent, who plans to turn him into a criminal by fueling his madcap revolutionary dreams.
In this absurdist dark political satire, a somewhat nutty and naive impoverished African American preacher, who along with his worried family and a small group of followers wishes to bring hope to the Miami projects by preaching about his own version of God based on the liberation theology and African nationalism, is forced by a nefarious character to agree to an arms deal in order to save his family from eviction and possibly start his revolution for real.
What the preacher doesn’t realize is that he has become a target of a complex false flag operation by the FBI to first turn him into a terrorist and then arrest him and score points in the U.S.’s war on terror.
However, what the FBI does not realize is that, although a vocal revolutionary, the preacher is also a firm believer in pacifism, a loyal citizen and a very unpredictable character.
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