Nonton The Exception. A German soldier tries to determine if the Dutch resistance has planted a spy to infiltrate the home of Kaiser Wilhelm in Holland during the onset of World War II, but falls for a young Jewish Dutch woman during his investigation.
Whiling away the hours in an isolated countryside estate near Nazi-occupied Utrecht, the abdicated German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II, is still considered an influential man, and above all, a desirable assassination target. As a result, to avert a possible attempt against the life of the silver-haired former monarch, the reluctant Wehrmacht Captain, Stefan Brandt, is put in charge of his security, as there are rumours that a stealthy spy is in their midst.
However, against all odds, Stefan will commence a fervent clandestine affair with the mansion’s cryptic Dutch handmaiden, Mieke de Jong, threatening to put in jeopardy an already dangerously volatile situation. Now, with the imminent arrival of the powerful Reichsführer, Heinrich Himmler, can Brandt protect both the Kaiser and the unexpected love of his life?
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