Nonton The Light Between Oceans. A lighthouse keeper and his wife living off the coast of Western Australia raise a baby they rescue from an adrift rowboat.
War-weary Tom takes a job as a lighthouse keeper on an island for the solitude. He meets beautiful young Isabel and they eventually marry. One day they see a small dinghy floating in the ocean; inside it are an infant and a man. They rush to rescue them and discover that the man is dead. They struggle over the decision to report it and whether to keep the baby.
Heartbroken over her two previous miscarriages, Isabel persuades Tom to not tell anyone about the man and to take the girl on as their own child. Succumbing to her persuasion just to make her happy, Tom buries the man on the island and they name the girl Lucy. Years later they discover that the girl still has a mother who is looking for her
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