Nonton The Misfits. After being recruited by a group of unconventional thieves, renowned criminal Richard Pace finds himself caught up in an elaborate gold heist that promises to have far-reaching implications on his life and the lives of countless others.
Even a federal maximum-security prison can’t hold Richard Pace, a brilliant international thief.
But his daring escape and high-octane car chase, eluding the FBI and police, ends with him being scooped up by The Misfits, a band of modern-day Robin Hoods. Led by the eccentric and charismatic Ringo with Violet, the Prince, and Wick with Pace’s daughter Hope. A mysterious group who do devious things for all the right reasons.
The skilled group convinces Pace to join them to pull off the heist of the century: stealing millions in gold bars kept under one of the most secure prisons on earth, owned by rogue businessman Schultz, and used for funding terrorist groups worldwide.
Aside from the money, Pace wants revenge against Schultz, the man behind his incarceration. Nonton The Misfits From LA to Abu Dhabi, it will take supercharged engines, forged identities, multiple cons, camels, nitro
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